Advantage broadcasters:  you now have the flexibility to create your own weekend sports line-up. SSN puts you in the driver’s seat and your audience in the center of the action. 


The Immortals: Iconic careers of the greatest names in sports history – Muhammad Ali, Pele, Wayne Gretsky, Michael Jordan, Jack Nicklaus and Annika Sorenstam to Tiger Woods, Pete Sampras, Monica Seles, Usain Bolt and many many more – are celebrated in this stunning 52-part series.

The Shortlist: The ultimate sports count down series – featuring iconic themes focused upon the most memorable moments and individuals in sport. The ten most memorable debuts, the ten most revered innovators, the greatest comebacks of all time… and much more.

Pure Outdoor: Action sports without boundaries – from freestyle ski jumping to airplane aerobatics, motocross, cycling, surfing and triathlons to cliff diving and water-ski racing. From every corner of the world, where active life-styles, individual challenge and the vast outdoors meet.

Invincible:  Iconic dynasties and careers, incredible feats and eras of domination that made sports history.


- Format: Weekly half-hours

- Utility: Weekends (optional strip)

- Barter: 4:00 Local / 4:00 National

- Delivery: Four (4) half-hours per week, via Pathfire 

    * The Immortals (30:00) 

    * The Short List (30:00)

    * Pure Outdoor (30:00)

    * Invincible (30:00)

Minimum one (1) half-hour per week ROS commitment

Available for weekend and/or Mon-Fri strip

99999 Ratings

Here are sales highlights for Syndie Sports Net (SSN), for the week of Apr 26-May 2. Comparisons are based on shares with 2 decimals.

Los Angeles, KTTV (FOX) Sun 2:00-3:00pm - SSN is Appointment TV, with infinite increases above its lead-in (0.00), while its Weather Gone Viral lead-out comes up empty (0.00), with M25-54 and A25-54.

Los Angeles, KCOP (IND) Sun 7:30pm - SSN soars +44% over its Movie lead-in with HH. It's +21% stronger than How I Met Your Mother from last year's HH time period. And, the show more than triples itself, compared to its Feb 2021 HH delivery. SSN is trending up over the past 3 weeks, too.

Philadelphia, NSPP (RSN) Sat 6:00am - Infinitely better than American Ninja Warrior from last year's HH time period (0.00).

Dallas, KDFW (FOX) Sat 11:00pm-12:00m - SSN builds on its own success compared to last year... and last sweep. Vs. Last Year: HH (+43%), M25-54 (+54%), A25-54 (+21%). Vs. Last Sweep: HH (+11%), A25-54 (+18%). The show is trending up over the past 3 weeks with M25-54 and A25-54, too.

Dallas, KDFI (IND) Sat 12:30am - Superior to its Movie lead-in by +8% in HH.

San Francisco, KICU (IND) Sun 1:30am - Soars +70% over How I Met Your Mother from last year's HH time period.

Atlanta, WPCH (IND) Sat 2:00am - Far better than Outdoors from last year's time period with HH (more than quadruple), M25-54 (more than 15 times stronger), A25-54 (more than 21x higher). Builds upon its own Feb 2021 success, too, more than doubling with M25-54 and A25-54, while HH rise +60%. Jumps over its Carbonaro Effect lead-in: HH (+16%), M25-54 (+17%), A25-54 (+67%). Trending up over the past 4 weeks with HH, while M25-54 and A25-54 are riding a 3-week upward trend.

Houston, KRIV (FOX) Fri 4:00-5:00am - Stronger than last year's time period with HH (+10%) and M25-54 (+3%). Rises above its lead-in with M25-54 (+3%) and A25-54 (+8%). Even better than its own Feb 2021 levels, too: M25-54 (+24%), A25-54 (+28%). 

Houston, KTXH (IND) Sun 11:00am - SSN doubles over last year... and more than doubles over last sweep, with HH.

Boston, NSBO (RSN) Sat 2:00-3:30pm - This triple-run is double last year's time period with M25-54, while A25-54 are up +67%.

Phoenix, KAZT (IND) Sat 1:00-2:00am - SSN improves itself year-to-year with HH (+Infinity). 

Seattle, KING (NBC) Sat 9:00am and 3:00pm

- In the morning... SSN is Appointment TV, more than doubling its News lead-in, while its NBC Network lead-out declines, with HH.

- In the afternoon... SSN builds +40% over its Feb 2021 HH success.

Seattle, KONG (IND) Fri 4:00-5:00am and Sat 4:00-5:00am

- On Friday... SSN is Tentpole TV, jumping +7% over its Monk lead-in, while its American Ninja Warrior lead-out falls, with HH. The show improves over itself last year (more than 6 times stronger)... and last sweep (more than 23x better), with HH.

- On Saturday... SSN is infinitely up over its Murdoch Mysteries HH lead-in (0.00). The show more than triples itself compared to last year... and last sweep, with HH.

Orlando, WOFL (FOX) Sat 12:00m - Appointment TV, with infinite increases over its Fox Network lead-in (0.00), while its lead-out goes to sleep (0.00), with M25-54 and A25-54. Infinitely up over the Feb 2021 time period with M25-54 and A25-54, too.

Portland OR, KPTV (FOX) Sat 3:00-4:00pm and 6:00-7:00pm - Both time periods are infinitely up over their respective lead-ins (0.00) with HH.

Raleigh, WRDC (IND) Sat 3:00pm and 2:30-3:30am

- In the afternoon... SSN doubles itself compared to its Feb 2021 delivery.

- In late fringe... SSN improves over its Feb 2021 score (+Infinity). The show is also +4% better than its lead-in.

San Diego, KSWB (FOX) Sat 6:30pm and 1:00am

- In the evening... SSN is infinitely up over its 0.00 lead-in.

- In late fringe... SSN is +35% stronger than the Feb 2021 time period.

Nashville, WUXP (IND) Sat 3:00-4:00am - SSN is Tentpole TV, with an infinite increase over its lead-in, while its Raceweek lead-out slows downward. The show is much improved over last year (+47%)... and last sweep (more than 13 times better).

Salt Lake City, KJZZ (IND) Sun 1:30am - Infinitely better than the prior time period last year (0.00)... and last sweep (0.00). Also, SSN rises +10% over its lead-in.

Norfolk, WVBT (FOX) Sat 2:30pm, Sun 10:30-11:30am, and Sun 1:30am

- On Saturday... SSN is superior to its lead-in (+3%).

- On Sunday morning... SSN more than doubles itself year-to-year. And, the show more than doubles the Feb 2021 time period, too.

- In late fringe... SSN quadruples itself compared to last year. The show MORE than quadruples itself compared to last sweep.

Source: NSI WRAP Multi-Market Program Tracks; Week of 4/26/21; Comparisons by 2-decimal share in Live+SD; Last year is May 2020; Last sweep is Feb 2021; Lead-in comparison is prior 1/4 hr to full program average